A sentence will save you from CORONA

Today whole world is suffering from corona (covid-19) , everybody is in fear of whether he/she will get infected from this deadly virus or not. 

Many people, doctors, and WHO (World Health Organization) today are giving advices , even if you'll go and search in GOOGLE many free & useful advices they'll give you which will make you calm and feel safe. 

But, seriously these are helpful but useless too

If you want to leave corona behind, if you want to save yourself and your love ones , 

You should consider every next person near you whether he's your friend, family or not "As a Covid-19 infected person"and maintain same precautions like you usually maintain with others

And if you are thinking that vaccines will save your life than you're absolutely wrong, its like a myth that all countries are saying now that we have vaccines, All these countries are just taking your attention & basically they tr'yna say that" take a deep breath " And you also know not even a single country is assuring the vaccine 100% 
So think again who can save you these myths or 
You yourself. 💙


  1. You are absolutely correct.
    I totally agree with your statement 🙌

  2. Thank u for kind information...I hope you n your family will be safe from this pandemic.


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